Please NOTE: this entry is put together just for me to quickly organise things in my head and keep a record of our home-schooling for sentimental reasons. It is also a draft to be edited on needs' bases for LEA, should they knock on our Homeschooling door, out of a blue. So, this is NOT an edited copy, and all kinds of typos, missing articles and grammatical / stylistic flaws is a given. If you are reading this because Google catapulted you here for his own googley reasons, welcome to my blog, I'm hoping that you will find it useful but not expecting a perfect flow of written word.
This week we are following the same weekly route, which is working out nicely for us except spelling.
1. Language printable bitesize exercises Day11-15
2. First Language Lessons: Lesson 11-15
3.Spellings , selected daily work pieces
4. 'The Complete Writer' 4 lessons , alternating copy-work ( fully independent writing exercise) and story 'writing' ( O listens and answers Qs in full , I'm writing it down , while he's watching.
All of the above is working out nicely for us except for spellings. The tame format , no colours etc is perfectly fine, but the content just seems a bit all over the place or at least not potentially very productive, it seems to me. Maybe Oliver is slightly more advanced for it, but my gut feeling is that it's format more than anything. I'm prone to just to starting to give him spelling exercises of 10 words for a week or two, instead of all this , it worked for me as a learner of English and it certainly seemed to work for us last year. I could do it as an addition but it will be too much English for one day. So , I suspect this will be our last go on this book, but we will stick with it 'till the end of the week, all the same , see where they are going with it.
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