Wednesday, 13 September 2017

BACK to (Home)School: Our expected TYPICAL daily schedule

Please NOTE: this entry is put together just for me to quickly organise things in my head and keep a record of our home-schooling for sentimental reasons.  It is also a draft to be edited on needs' bases  for LEA, should they knock on our Homeschooling door, out of a blue.  So, this is NOT an edited copy, and all kinds of typos, missing articles and grammatical / stylistic flaws is a given.  If you are reading this because Google catapulted you here for his own googley reasons, welcome to my blog, I'm hoping that you will find it useful but not expecting a perfect flow of written word. 

This is our typical study day, change to replacing some materials with equivalent content in different format.

1. Excercise from 'Language Printables' .  This book is fantastic , it has bite-size exercises like this on, that goes over things like filling the missing worlds, copying narration, finding synonyms , rhyming words, words with long 'e'  and many other. It also uses sentences from ' Jolly Robyn' which Oliver is reading , so it's a nice touch, too. Oliver loves this format, and it's less easy than it seems too.

Exercise 2, below. Memorising task  from 'First Language Lessons' . This one is harder, We went over nouns and Oliver kind of understands it , but grammar is a new concept to him , so we'll have to go over and over it, which is fine, as it's more about exposure to new concepts at this point. The memorising below he finds really hard, but I think that memory can be trained a bit, so why not, we'll see how it goes, he doesn't hate or particularly enjoy this bit. 

Exercise 3. This bit below is a narration, it's  from 'The complete writer, writing with ease'.  Oliver seems to have forgotten LOADS about writing one the holidays, so if it will take him long got get back into swing , we might consider having quick 'reminders' throughout the holidays. But hopefully it won't come to that .  With narration exercises, I alternate supervised and independent work,  below is an example of independent efforts. 

 Generally this third part will be SPELLING , I've decided to buy first one of the long series of organised spelling workbooks , as I don't want to miss things out and spend time researching separately. 

This below is Excericese 4, and the last in Language, daily. It's also from  'The complete writer, writing with ease'.  This is an excise on understanding, which of course, is majorly important.  Oliver struggled with every single question, and got 2 or 3 of them correctly on the second read. But he seemed to enjoy the text and asked other questions.  I thought that he'd find this kind of a text with no pictures and long sentences , placed out of the middle , like this boring and dry , but he didn't, which his really encouraging. More on it in the reading section. 


We are on the 3rd Chapter of 'The Jolly Robin' and Oliver seems to really like it, against all my reservations.  We take turns to read the sections onto which each chapter is broken.  The vocabulary is really good, full of words that he will hopefully add to his repertoire and use.  We write those he doesn't know how to read on cards and learn.  I thought we'd be overwhelmed with those, but , surprisingly, we are not. But , most importantly, although Oliver is far from fully following it , some bits he is , and they really draw on his interest and thoughts.  For example there's that bit where a book suggests that all robins follow their dad when migrating for the winter , and it's a good idea, as their dad knows the way , whereas it's their first time. Oliver said to me 'Yes, this makes sense, I always follow my dad, too!'  So I'm pleased and surprised with this book.  ( I tried reading them 'House in the Prairies' and both boys found it boring, Oliver, lost interest when he learned that there were no boys on the poison in the story) 


There's 1 or 2 parts of to our maths.  The first one from Maths printable, which, again, cover all kinds of things 'Maths' in nicely formatted , made to look easy  chunks. 3 Days are allotted to the exercise 2 , and it's less easy than it looks.  Yesterday we just went in depth of the 'odd' 'even ' no concept and today we added our own written exercise , aiming to keep up directly  with Ollie's calculating skills gained last year ( independent work, completed with ease, so it's nice to see that there's consistent progress with independent learning if you stick to it)  , and also, to start regularly teaching him to count 'stacking up'  Oliver finds Math easy and doesn't appear to have forgotten much over the holidays. I very much doubt that there will be much change in our Math routine over the year. 

On Monday there was HE educational even in Discovery Centre , after which all HE kids played together. 
Tuesday: HE gymnatics, where some good friends of the boys go.
Wednesday: At home, nanny visiting
Thursday: Revisiting our one of the two by-weekly HE play groups, seeing if either of the boys gel with it, now they both older.
Friday: After-school playdate with non-he friend of Oliver. 

Jo-Jo, reportedly, is making friends in nursery but seems to still hate the idea of it , the closer the day is. 


'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.'  So far well received. Fingers crossed. this one I do if there's time. 

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