Last week O was reading his very last book of Stage 4. It was called 'Tadpoles' and there was this bit, where on a way to growing up, the bunch of baby tadpoles got raided by a big fish, at which point the book stated mater-of-factly,
'The fish eats some of the tadpoles'
I was quite surprised to see Oliver get quite sad over this bit! He even stopped to discuss and take it in.
The thing is, normally he doesn't appear to take much of what's in the book in (including on this occasion up to the big fish bit) with the exception of some funny bits and bits where someone is a superman or naughty, drops things, etc, and even then it would be, up to now, more or less superficial acknowledgement.
But with this one, it was more of a thought provoking moment for our O, and it was very touching.
Books make imagination work much better than other media, you add a bit of yourself even to the best of books, don't you, hence the great potential of them that should not be under-estimated!
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