Monday, 9 October 2017

Week 5, Oct 9, Plan and Comments

Please NOTE: this entry is put together just for me to quickly organise things in my head and keep a record of our home-schooling for sentimental reasons.  It is also a draft to be edited on needs' bases  for LEA, should they knock on our Homeschooling door, out of a blue.  So, this is NOT an edited copy, and all kinds of typos, missing articles and grammatical / stylistic flaws is a given.  If you are reading this because Google catapulted you here for his own googley reasons, welcome to my blog, I'm hoping that you will find it useful but not expecting a perfect flow of written word. 

Week 4.  What we are doing. 

New spelling ( see work examples) works better, still on a look out for all consequent spelling sheets in one place.

The weakest spot is still comprehension.  Oliver tells me that 'Narration' is his favourite, I feel that he's getting hang of writing without too much strain which is nice.

No major progress at Maths, O struggling a bit with 49-50 , 89-90 etc , instead he goes to 49-40 or somewhere strange like 90, we starting to do a little warm up on this particular one

O loves learning rhymes and does really well enjoying himself about it.

Introduced some screen time in learning Proper Nouns - Places, this seem to have helped a bit.  He still confuses proper and common nouns ,  and categories of each ( person/thing/place/idea), but it's slowly settling in.  I now know why the book keeps going on and on and on about it.   I'm still in two minds weather it's a bit too early for him the whole grammar thing but we'll stick at at and see how it goes, he's quite neutral about the whole thing and it doesn't take long.

So far nothing he hates, I feel we dodged our sticky 'comprehension', the dislike of.  Just. 

Other than that we will continue with our routine 

4 pieces of English 
-printables' workbook with copywork, exercises on spelling such  as hearing out and sorting out words with  's' and 'ss'  ,  or putting pieces of simple story in a right sequence. 
-first language lessons , more on nouns , rhythms and comprehension 
-the complete writer , 3 more weeks of alternating comprehension and copywork in more depth, using classic texts for both. 

2 Pieces of Maths 
- printables' workbook , covering thing like shapes, comparing numbers finding 'unknown in an equation' ( quite difficult compared to the rest!) etc
- continuing with list of 10, just the practice of more difficult in-line calculations we'd developed up to last year. 

We are up to Chapter 17 on 'Jolly Robbin' and will continue reading 1 chapter a day + cards' practice. 

For 'mum read aloud' we are still on 'Chocolate Factory' 


- Tuesday ; HE  Gymnastics 
-Monday HE social group 
-Thursday playdate with nursery friend.  Friday meet up with non HE friends for a bike ride, tbc 

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