Thursday, 9 March 2017

Writing: Individual letters & Writing as Hear

We are continuing with our revision of the individual letters.  Oliver mostly relates to sounds so it's easier for him to recognise them, but he gets about 60% of those he gets right by the names of letters, too.

This week we were going over the letters up to 'I' not inclusive, but also including random letters like 'n' and 'm', which he knows very well. He gets confused with 'P' and the difference between 'd' and 'b' still, but seems to be getting his 'inventory' together bit by bit.

His capitals are in a bit of a disarray.  He's not too sure about most of them, but never gets wrong 'X' or 'W', so go figure.

His writing is really smooth and effortless for his age, I find.

On the other hand O really struggles with writing words by sounds.  The first sound is really challenging for him, as is the next , esp. consonant sound.  The vovel that follows is slightly easier and the last consonant is normally quite easy for him to name currently and write down in a straightforward phonetic word.  I'm not entirely sure why it's working out for him this way.  I think he's a bit too young for writing from hearing. So we just gently touching on it, really.

The final thing we started to work on is to persuade O to write with correct line spacing , start at the beginning of the line and have the capitals take the right place within the line space. He's not convinced it's worth the effort, but I keep nagging him about it.

Below is the first effort at this new writing assignment we are exploring

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