Monday, 3 October 2016

READING: Songbirds

...So our Classical Education reading teacher didn't work any miracles, so we decided to heavily substitute it with Songbird Phonics. They are great little books.  10 years ago I taught Jazzlyn to read using these before starting school.  It worked a treat, she learned quickly enough.  However, she was the only reading kid in her class and she was just getting bored. Even though she enjoyed the new skill.

Anyway. Ollie seems to like phonics, too.  He doesn't run to  read along, unfortunately I just don't think it's on the cards, but once he gets into it, he seems to like it, like to do well. When he's in a mood anyway. 

Here, on the picture, he pretends to read all by himself after our official 'lesson'. With the lesson , we tend to go through the sound/ letter cards, just enough of them to cover the first few books of phonics, and then we work our way through the book , bit by bit, trying to figure out what works for O. 

 Because the letters came first for him, Oliver was really confusing them with sounds , saying letter before the sound, which isn't exactly the idea when you're trying to read. Now we finally starting to lose letters, and I won't be mentioning them with the rest of the alphabet for a while. With Joey, too, I think we do sounds first, then letters.  

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