Wednesday, 21 September 2016

WRITING: Usborne Wipe-Cleans , not Convinced About the Bonus Phonics

I've decided to record our Home-schooling venture in a blog.  It came about a week or two after we actually started, so the all I'll be posting will be slightly in retrospective, but hey , at least it will be on record...

First thing we did was to go and shop for some wipe-clean writing books , the wonderful tool young years' educators got themselves these days.  (Never any of these with our now 13 year old, they would have been a find, much as would the whole Home Education idea, coming to think of it!)

I'm sure I'll find some essential flaws in these wipe cleans with time, maybe when dear Oliver is swapping from them to normal paper writing, but for now, what's not to like?  Economical, neat and tidy, not to mention all the fun pictures and shape-letter ideas.

There are endless wipe cleans on the market.  I got a bit overwhelmed there in Waterstones, I must admit.  The first wipe cleans out of two we bought so far are  ' Usborne' Phonics Book 1' Oliver loves it.

I managed to convince my little home schooled to hold his pen by 'pinching' close to the bottom of it mainly with 3 fingers , and rest both , the side of his palm and his elbow on the table. It helped him to get SMOOTHER LETTERS with immediate effect. Though it didn't seem all that natural to him initially, he soon realised that it's just easer .  Not many letters to write per page, had to wipe and do the chosen letters' rows over and over again, which kind of works against the flow a bit.  Didn't use the phonics facility either.  We do phonics in our reading time, and, besides,  it seemed distracting.

With this homeschooling while also having a job which I love, if something has to give , it will be the school records, so, reluctantly,  I will now round up this post.  In the next one, we will be using another wipe clean , different in format and , slightly in content,  by 'Ladybird' 

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